Supporting You All the Way to the Exam
Supporting You All the Way to the Exam

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Sign Up Now

All-round 11+ preparation for independent & grammar school exams

11 Plus Lifeline members receive challenging, beautifully presented 11-plus practice papers with detailed solutions on the same day every week, by email … and you can send work for individual, personalised feedback in voice and video messages!

You’ll receive your first paper immediately after you sign up. The papers and solutions are yours to print out and keep.

Each paper:

  • has RSL Educational’s hugely popular example answers with uniquely detailed explanations;
  • will never be copied from an RSL Educational book.

There are papers for Comprehension, Creative & Essay Writing, Maths and Verbal/Non-Verbal Reasoning (including 3D/spatial Reasoning).

Resources are specifically designed to prepare children for the widest range of independent and grammar school entrance exams.

Scroll down for free sample papers. For detailed information about the service, read these Frequently Asked Questions and answers.

My daughter absolutely loved this week’s paper. It gave her an opportunity to see how a good piece of writing differs from an average one. She felt so confident that she gave herself top marks! I personally really liked it. It was very detailed and with proper instructions. I really look forward to receiving more work like this.

G. Singh

I passed the exam, most of which was because of your help! I don’t have an actual tutor like most of my friends, but I feel so lucky to have your papers every week. I think you are the best tutor!

David Tao, 11

If you’d like more than the core 11 Plus Lifeline content, Silver, Platinum and Super Platinum subscriptions include popular premium benefits.

As well as the core resources offered with Bronze, these plans also help you prepare with actual past papers featuring my example answers and explanations. Platinum and Super Platinum also give you access to individual marking and advice, provided personally by me.

If you want to receive verbal and non-verbal reasoning papers, you should sign up for a Silver, Platinum or Super Platinum membership.

11 Plus Lifeline will teach your child to face even the hardest exams with confidence.

Click the blue buttons to download sample papers for several topic areas, which you can print out and try with your child. There are many more paper styles than this in 11 Plus Lifeline!

If you’d like more than the core 11 Plus Lifeline content, Silver, Platinum and Super Platinum subscriptions include popular premium benefits.

As well as the core resources offered with Bronze, these plans also help you prepare with actual past papers featuring my example answers and explanations. Platinum and Super Platinum also give you access to individual marking and advice, provided personally by me.

If you want to receive verbal and non-verbal reasoning papers, you should sign up for a Silver, Platinum or Super Platinum membership.

11 Plus Lifeline will teach your child to face even the hardest exams with confidence.

Click the blue buttons to download sample papers for several topic areas, which you can print out and try with your child. There are many more paper styles than this in 11 Plus Lifeline!

Too much information? Here’s the quick version!

– I send you some of the UK’s best 11 Plus resources (with full solutions) by email, on the same day every week, and you can even send me work for personal feedback.

– I charge your credit card once a month, on the same day.

You can cancel whenever you want. There is no minimum term and no cancellation fee.

Choose Your Subscription

Select Bronze, Silver, Platinum or Super Platinum

Receive your first paper immediately

Not sure which to choose? Parents seeking regular marking and feedback should choose Platinum or Super Platinum. Otherwise, the best option is likely to be Silver. You can easily upgrade or downgrade later.


£9/ month

1 paper / week


£15/ month

2 papers / week



£70/ month

With marking

Super Platinum

£120/ month

Extra marking

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week





Detailed feedback on work

Hours of feedback /month



Approx. pieces marked /month




£9/ month

1 paper / week


£15/ month

2 papers / week



£65/ month

With marking

Super Platinum

£115/ month

Extra marking

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week





Detailed feedback on work

Hours of feedback /month



Approx. pieces marked /month





1 paper / week



2 papers / week




With marking

Super Platinum


Extra marking

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week





Detailed feedback on work

Hours of feedback /month



Approx. pieces marked /month




£9/ month

1 paper / week

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week


Detailed feedback on work


£15/ month

2 papers / week

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week


Detailed feedback on work


£70/ month

With marking

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week


Detailed feedback on work

Hours of feedback /month


Approx. pieces marked /month


Super Platinum

£120/ month

Extra marking

Original maths & English papers

Full example answers & solutions

Printable papers sent by email

Bonus resources

Cancel any time – no fee

Refund available (see T&Cs)

Upgrade/downgrade plan later

Reasoning (VR & NVR) resources

Solutions to real past papers

Total papers sent /week


Detailed feedback on work

Hours of feedback /month


Approx. pieces marked /month


11 Plus Lifeline Terms and Conditions.

Payments powered by stripe   Payments are processed securely and confidentially by Stripe.

You may like to read the 11 Plus Lifeline Frequently Asked Questions page. If there’s anything else you’d like to ask, please get in touch on 0800 031 8058 or by sending me an email.

Licences are available for the use of 11 Plus Lifeline resources in schools and tuition centres. For more information, please get in touch.

Your material is by far the best I have come across for several reasons. It is varied, so my daughter is exposed to different types of questions and techniques, and clearly graded, which helps me see how well she can tackle a challenging paper compared to a standard one. Above all, though, both the sample answers you provide and your marking service are invaluable because they are clear, exhaustive but also friendly and supportive — it’s hard to believe how discouraging or patronising a lot of 11+ books and papers can get! You are really making it easier for my daughter to understand how she can improve her work.

Carla Passino -

Your material is by far the best I have come across for several reasons. It is varied, so my daughter is exposed to different types of questions and techniques, and clearly graded, which helps me see how well she can tackle a challenging paper compared to a standard one. Above all, though, both the sample answers you provide and your marking service are invaluable because they are clear, exhaustive but also friendly and supportive — it’s hard to believe how discouraging or patronising a lot of 11+ books and papers can get! You are really making it easier for my daughter to understand how she can improve her work.

Carla Passino -

Try It Risk-Free

If you change your mind, you can cancel at any time in the first month for a full refund. After this, cancel whenever you like – there’s no fee.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions are here – and of course, you can phone 0800 031 8058 or send me an email.

If you’d like to find out what Lifeline members have to say about the service, you can read their reviews here.

My daughter and I have gained a great deal from both your books and Lifeline service. My background is in science and I was unsure whether I could help much with comprehension. However, with your detailed notes on how and how not to answer comprehension questions, I have been able to guide my daughter in analysing writing in a way that she has not been taught to at school, or indeed in her 11+ tutoring group … The first writing pack was everything that I and my daughter could have asked for. We had great fun learning from it and we look forward to using the second pack.

Dr S. Wan

My daughter and I have gained a great deal from both your books and Lifeline service. My background is in science and I was unsure whether I could help much with comprehension. However, with your detailed notes on how and how not to answer comprehension questions, I have been able to guide my daughter in analysing writing in a way that she has not been taught to at school, or indeed in her 11+ tutoring group … The first writing pack was everything that I and my daughter could have asked for. We had great fun learning from it and we look forward to using the second pack.

Dr S. Wan

the author

Robert Lomax

Robert Lomax has been a tutor in London, Hong Kong and Italy and a teacher at Christ’s Hospital. His books for school students are very popular in the UK and internationally. He took five A-levels including three in maths and read English at the University of Oxford, graduating with First Class Honours.