
“The Gold Standard For 11-Plus Preparation” – Tutorful

“The Gold Standard For 11-Plus Preparation” – Tutorful

Here is a collection of genuine testimonials from 11 Plus Lifeline subscribers, past and present. 

All the comments on this page have been reproduced with permission.

11 Plus Lifeline is very simple to use. We opted for Platinum membership and we bought the 11+ RSL books – both of which I highly recommend. All these educational materials are of high standard, very varied and the explanations are detailed and easy to understand.

Robert excels in being professional, reliable, organised and approachable.
What I liked the most was that he knew my son’s strength and weakness in no time. The feedback was personalised, with praises and advice on what needed to be improve. At times, I had the feeling that Robert was not only my son’s tutor, but his friend.

As a result, I am very confident that apart from getting an offer from Colchester Royal Grammar School, my son will continue to do well.

With heartfelt thanks,

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your brilliant 11+ papers. The best part were the detailed answers explaining exactly what is needed to achieve maximum scores. My son secured offers from Tiffin School, City of London and Latymer Upper.



“I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your hard work.

I know what you do is a business but I have essentially used your papers to teach my son for the 11 plus.

No book replaces the amount of detail you give out and your reasons for how an answer should be phrased in a certain way / explanation to a complex maths question.

We worked through your papers over the two years and it gave me the confidence to guide my son.

He has already been offered one place at a school he loves and is awaiting other offers.

I just want to say thank you for all you do – as you do it with such passion!

I hope you go from strength to strength!

Best wishes



Hi Robert,

We just received the offer letter from St Paul’s Boys’ today.

We were lucky to find a great teacher like you. William not only improved his English skills, but most importantly, he got inspiration and encouragement. English is his least favourite subject, but he ranked 15th in the second round written test at St Paul’s, out of 120 final candidates. I feel thrilled, and all that must be credited to your teaching.

I must say your content about how to answer open comprehension questions is THE best on the market! William improved significantly in his English since he subscribed to your service. His younger brother will subscribe later, when he is old enough.

At the beginning, William had no clue where to start and how to answer those open questions. Your books and YouTube channel make it easy to understand how secondary schools expect children to demonstrate their skills. William not only improved his comprehension skills because of you, but most importantly, you encouraged him a lot! You taught him to be a mature young man when facing poor feedback. Your detailed marking service is supreme.

Best Regards,



“Fantastic 11+ resource. Both for the breadth of materials covered, as well as the clarity of the explanations, which encourages young students to find out by themselves what didn’t work out and why – a bit like having your own virtual tutor. It’s also a great roadmap for anyone getting into the 11+ process for the first time.”

Juan Quintas

“I want to say thank you – my son just did his toughest eleven plus paper yesterday and came out with his head held high. Regardless of the outcome, he did the best that he could do. Your English material (which I did with him) was fabulous and I plan to continue to do a paper once every week or two because I think your approach teaches children to think in a way that I was never taught, or learnt myself, until I was much older. A huge advantage to give any child this gift at the start of life. And what’s more my son wants to continue your work, of his own accord, because he really values it. Not only that but we have fun together with it and I enjoy it too.”

Siobhan Blackwell

“Having used Robert Lomax’s 11+ subscription service for nearly a year, I can honestly say that it offers the best 11+ preparation materials on the market. Each paper contains solutions with detailed explanations, which both my daughter and I have found incredibly helpful. No other materials that I know of offer such detailed explanations that take the children through the thinking process, which enables them to acquire the necessary skills needed to tackle both comprehension and maths questions. All papers are carefully chosen and fun to work with. My daughter looks forward to receiving her weekly paper and is always keen to have a go!”

Yi Zhang


“I’m very pleased to let you know that my daughter has secured offers from all the schools she had applied for, including Henrietta Barnet, Latymer School, North London Collegiate and Guildford High. Thank you for your great service which has helped her immensely!”

Yi Zhang (a few months later)

“Your material is by far the best I have come across for several reasons. It is varied, so my daughter is exposed to different types of questions and techniques, and clearly graded, which helps me see how well she can tackle a challenging paper compared to a standard one. Above all, though, both the sample answers you provide and your marking service are invaluable because they are clear, exhaustive but also friendly and supportive — it’s hard to believe how discouraging or patronising a lot of 11+ books and papers can get! You are really making it easier for my daughter to understand how she can improve her work.”

Carla Passino (carlapassino.co.uk)


“RSL is the easiest, most cost-effective and convenient way to prepare your kids to take the 11 plus exams.”

Edmund Tetteh

“The Head has told me in an interview that an offer will definitely be coming my son’s way! He scored in the top 10%. He did ‘very well’ in English thanks to your feedback. His creative writing has come on in leaps and bounds by following your methods. The maths papers were also extremely helpful.

Best wishes and I will no doubt use you again in a couple of years when my younger son has his turn.”



“It is early days, but my daughter has just been assessed for an academic scholarship following her performance in the initial school exam. Your papers really helped her prepare. (Please do quote this!)”




“I just wanted to share that Shuaib has passed the Habs’ Boys’ exam and has been invited for an interview next week. Thank you for the support. I was very fortunate to come across 11 Plus Lifeline. I will continue to share this wonderful platform with other families and they can benefit from it as we did.”




“Lifeline is unique – different to any other 11 plus material you’ll find out there. Not only are the answers detailed, but Robert shows the possible methods to use. It’s like he’s talking to you!”


“Every paper has been fantastic. I have particularly liked the harder maths papers, which are always a challenge for my son, and much more difficult than any you can buy elsewhere. We have also enjoyed the topics you have chosen for the comprehensions (phasmids especially) and he has chosen to read some of the books featured afterwards.

I am going to miss the Monday evening emails and the anticipation of what this week will be! Always such great names, too.”




“We have found the material super helpful and I am really pleased to let you know my son has passed his 10+ exams for both Whitgift and Trinity schools.”

Mrs Patel

I have found your service hugely valuable. The information in your emails, blogs and constructive answers to papers have been beneficial to us both. It has been great to know what she needed to be aiming for – there is such a huge gap between the preparation and guidance that she receives at her school and where she needed to be.



“Robert’s 11 Plus Lifeline is like no other tuition provider. It is spot on in terms of challenge and rigour and is exactly what the schools are testing. The detailed answers are extremely thorough so it’s like a private tutor’s lesson!

We look forward to receiving the Lifeline papers every week. If you don’t do anything else for 11 plus preparation, please do this!!”



“I have found Robert’s resources invaluable for preparation for the 11+ exams. They have saved me a lot of time searching for challenging papers set by various schools, and the answers are clearly explained.

In addition, I’ve found Robert’s feedback on my child’s essays extremely useful.

Not only does Robert give useful critiques on how to improve each essay but he also gives actual examples for how certain parts could be rewritten.

He responds to emails promptly and his writing packs are excellent!

I am so pleased that I discovered RSL this year!”

Mrs Wong, London


“My daughter has been working with RSL material since March 2018. We had decided to prepare for some of the top grammar and private schools in London but I wasn’t much satisfied with the study and exam materials available in my bookshop (mainly they were too easy or with not enough explanation). Though we could afford a private tutor (with a moderate London tuition fee of £50 for an hour) I wasn’t sure if it would be worth it (time and teaching quality).

We were very lucky to find RSL on YouTube by chance, searching for an 11 plus-related website. Robert was very helpful and fast responding to my questions about the service.

The papers are excellent for children who are capable but do not have much chance to practise at school.

As a non-English speaking mum [Your English is very good! Robert], RSL English papers are a great help. My daughter wasn’t very confident with the comprehension part but now she is more confident and enjoys doing her English papers.

Regardless of my daughter’s exam results which we are waiting for, we are very happy working with RSL exam papers and Robert’s advice.”

Yunis Lee


“My 9-year-old son struggled with English comprehension and descriptive writing for a long time. I was lucky to come across Robert’s material on Amazon. I first purchased his comprehensions for 8+. I used these at home not only to give him much-needed practice, but more importantly, to teach him the techniques demonstrated on Robert’s answer sheets. He learnt so much from the detailed explanations.

I then subscribed to Robert’s 11 Plus Lifeline. While the actual entrance exam is still far away for us, using Robert’s material has helped both parents and child stay focused, calm, and prepared.

Highly recommended.”



“My husband and I find Robert’s range of weekly English papers enormously helpful.

Robert’s answer sheets are clear, thorough and extremely insightful.

He knows exactly what the examiners are looking for and will help your child gain every mark.

Aside from that Robert’s advice and resources have generally helped all of us appreciate and enjoy more literature.”



“I accidentally chanced upon the RSL materials on Amazon while browsing through 11 plus materials. I then visited the website and went over the free materials. I was greatly impressed with the quality. I ordered 11+ Comprehension (both volumes), 8+ Comprehension, 13+ Comprehension and 11+ Maths.

I had purchased a lot of 11 plus English comprehension materials from amazon before I came across the RSL materials. I am so impressed with them that I plan to use these as my main comprehension prep materials. They are the best I have found.

I am also an 11 Plus Lifeline member and enjoy the materials, especially the solved past papers. It is like a private teacher guiding you.”




“I’d personally like to thank you for the fantastic work you do. You have
been my lifesaver in the past few months and my son’s work has changed




“I have to commend you for making such fantastic resources available to parents and tutors. Your in-depth analyses of literary devices in your comprehension resources are second to none. I wish I had known about your work earlier. Thanks ever so much.”

Thomas, Finsbury Park, London


“Robert’s 11 Plus Lifeline is a really enjoyable way for parents and their children to engage, learn from each other and spend valuable time together – wholeheartedly recommended.”

Matthew Suddaby 


“I home prepared my son for the 11+ with limited involvement from Tutors. I found Robert Lomax’s papers the best resource out there for really enabling my child to get to grips with exam technique and truly understand what the examiners are looking for in answering a question. The weekly drop of papers developed a routine which enabled us to improve over time in an organic, relaxed way rather than simply hot housing information in a short period of time.”

Ali Ahmed


“I find your materials very well thought out, of great quality, neither too easy nor too difficult – well balanced, and always thought provoking. My child enjoys going through your materials.

Thanks for your support through this arduous yet important journey.”

Ritesh Raj


“My son found the 11 plus educational materials very useful. He was not good in essay writing and comprehension but the materials helped him improve.

We loved the examples/solutions Robert gave for each answer and they helped me as a parent.

My son found the real 11 plus exams easy and passed. I would recommend 11 Plus Lifeline to anyone preparing for the 11 plus – and even after the 11 plus.”



“I found 11 Plus Lifeline (just like its name) a lifesaver for 11+. In the marketplace where you find thousands of materials/resources for 11+, 11 Plus Lifeline is a unique resource.

I subscribed to the service because I had bought RSL 11+ exam preparation materials on Amazon and these were very useful and different to other practice test papers. I needed more … When 11 Plus Lifeline was introduced I subscribed.

The materials suit both grammar and independent school preparation. They have a different feel and cater for all abilities.

The explanations to the answers are a goldmine – they are priceless. The answers enable parents to work with their children directly without needing a tutor.

Also, receiving weekly papers, you never run out of materials.

Finally, I have been privileged to email Robert Lomax and he responds immediately. Exceptional service and resources. Thank you.”

Alexandra Caxton-Cole


“We had a fantastic experience liaising with you and your firm. With regard to the resources we have received, they are really good and they have been very helpful for my child to improve on his skills. The quality of resources is very high and does cover varied exam standards (including CEM, CSSE and other grammar school exams).”



I have found your papers a great help throughout the stressful 11+ process, and even though some of them were a bit hard, I believe that pushed me to earn an academic scholarship at Cheltenham Ladies College and a place at City of London School for Girls. Aside from this, I also learnt lots of new words that I did not know before, and found out about all the books and poems (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Owl Service etc.) that I was missing out on through the English Comprehension exercises. But I do not think this shall be the last time I will be using your exam papers, for I still have my GCSEs to pass! Many thanks.



“I must say, your detailed comprehension exercises have been very useful for my kids and have made some complex questions in other past papers easier to decipher and tackle. The best aspect of the maths papers is the detail you provide to solve the problems, well suited to the age group they cater for.

My children have found Lifeline very useful and I cannot thank you enough for offering this to us!”



“My daughter has just completed her 11+ journey and we both found the 11 Plus Lifeline resources extremely useful and looked forward to our weekly email with a paper and solutions from Robert.”



“The materials were very well prepared, and especially the answers and explanations were very detailed: helping us understand what was missing, so that we could address it in the next assessment.

Robert is a very dedicated person with a lot of passion to help whenever I had a question.”



“It’s so evident that Robert puts every ounce of his vast experience and wisdom into preparing pupils for the 11+. I already had a good range of 11+ resources (both for English and maths preparation), but having bought and used Robert’s papers, I recognised their quality and usefulness and wanted more than was available to purchase as a book.

So I subscribed to 11 Plus Lifeline, and am delighted that I did.

I’ve ended up being able to rely on his regularly emailed maths and English papers to form the basis of the ‘at home’ mock exams I’ve used with my child.

11+ preparation can be a busy and stressful time, so it was always a welcome relief to have papers emailed as I didn’t need to think about what to use… just print and go (with beautifully explained answers).”



“The worked out answers are a great help. Fast, efficient and it eliminates the stress of checking papers. Very helpful.”



“Robert’s every paper is an invisible tutor. His explanations are crystal clear. These precious resources will help any child to think deeply and well.”

Mrs Sasitharan


“Fab as it saved me loads of time. Many thanks.”

Ewa Cantwell


“I find the materials are really of a high standard and at the same time the solutions are explained very well. It’s certainly a path to excel for any student. The material gives clear guidance and parents get the chance to see their children’s progress in a much more involved way.”

Rashmita Sahoo


“The best 11+ resources on the market. Not just the answers: the detail of the working out is very useful for both parents and children. The levels of the papers are quite challenging, but the detailed explanations are easy to follow which helps my son progress in the right direction. Absolutely worth the money.”



“Firstly, I would like to say that I am not new to the eleven plus process, having been through it for two previous children. Robert is very aware of the level required by grammars and Independent schools and sets work accordingly. Although you need to be holistic in your approach to preparing, I found the regular emailing of papers kept me on my toes and I found the papers and their solutions beneficial. The papers were carefully selected from specimen school test papers and Robert’s own authored material. I found the Math’s solutions particularly useful, as they provided me with a faster, alternative method of working out some of the problems. The solutions were always well explained and Robert’s money-back guarantee gives you reassurance before committing. It is so easy to forget what the end goal is in this process. The skills Robert tries to instil through his papers go beyond the 11 plus and lay down the foundations for GCSE.”

A. M.


“My daughter absolutely loved this week’s paper. It gave her an opportunity to see how a good piece of writing differs from an average one. She felt so confident that she gave herself top marks! I personally really liked it. It was very detailed and with proper instructions. I really look forward to receiving more work like this.

G. Singh


“I passed the exam, most of which was because of your help! I don’t have an actual tutor like most of my friends, but I feel so lucky to have your papers every week. I think you are the best tutor!”

David Tao, 11


“My daughter and I have gained a great deal from both your books and Lifeline service. My background is in science and I was unsure whether I could help much with comprehension. However, with your detailed notes on how and how not to answer comprehension questions, I have been able to guide my daughter in analysing writing in a way that she has not been taught to at school, or indeed in her 11+ tutoring group … The first writing pack was everything that I and my daughter could have asked for. We had great fun learning from it and we look forward to using the second pack.”

Dr S. Wan

“Your papers have been amazing. The detailed answers make everything so clear, and allowed my son to see my advice was the same as yours. The creative workshop papers have been the best. Being able to see why a piece of work is good or bad has been very useful.”



“I have been telling as many parents as possible about your website & weekly tests & will continue to do so. I found your tests varied, interesting & many were challenging, your mark schemes were also incredibly helpful with detailed & clear explanations. I really found your creative writing packs very informative & think they helped a lot! You have gone to so much trouble to create the answer templates & writing packs. Thank you!”

R. Brown